
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Weight Loss With Garcinia Cambogia Extract

100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract standardized to 60% HCA (naturally occurring Hydroxycitric Acid). 500 mg per capsule. 180 vegetarian capsules per bottle.
By using the same purity, potency, and servings size of Garcinia Cambogia Extract that was used in the clinical trials, you can be certain you are receiving the highest quality Garcinia Cambogia Extract available on the market today.* Moreover, you will receive twice the number of milligrams and value per bottle than most leading brands offer, and enjoy the same unparalleled NatureWise Customer Service you have come to expect—giving you the support you need to slim down and lose weight—for good.

Product Features

  • Non-stimulating, safe and effective appetite suppressant and weight loss supplement.* Zero fillers, zero binders, and zero artificial ingredients
  • NatureWise Garcinia Cambogia Extract standardized to 60% HCA with naturally occurring calcium and potassium for maximum absorption
  • Twice the number of milligrams and value per bottle than most leading brands. 500 mg per capsule. 180 vegetarian capsules per bottle. Made in the USA following strict GMP manufacturing standards
  • Garcinia Cambogia has been clinically shown to help curb appetite, reduce caloric intake, burn fat, reduce body weight 3-times more than diet and exercise alone, and promote healthy cholesterol and serotonin levels*
  • Participants taking Garcinia Cambogia in two 8-week clinical trials using our daily Weight Control Serving size lost an average of 5.4% of their body weight and body mass index (BMI)*


100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract standardized to 60% HCA (naturally occurring Hydroxycitric Acid). 500 mg per capsule. 180 vegetarian capsules per bottle. Manufactured under strict laboratory-controlled procedures to ensure optimum potency, purity and efficacy, our 60% HCA Garcinia Cambogia extract includes naturally occurring potassium and calcium for maximum absorption.

Suggested Use

Two different servings are suggested for Garcinia Cambogia Extract depending on the purpose it is taken for. The Satiety Serving helps to curb appetite, inhibit fat production, and reduce caloric intake, whereas the Weight Control Serving helps to curb appetite, reduce caloric intake, burn fat, reduce body weight 3-times more than diet and exercise alone, and promote healthy cholesterol and serotonin levels*. We recommend to our customers that they begin with the Satiety Serving of 1 vegetarian capsule 1/2 hour to 2 hours before meals three times daily and gradually increase to the Weight Control Serving of 3 vegetarian capsules with a full glass of water 1/2 hour to 2 hours before meals three times daily. Gradually increasing the serving size will help your body to adjust. It's very important to drink a lot of water when taking Garcinia Cambogia, especially with larger servings. Although very rare, if you experience any symptoms such as nausea, headaches, or constipation, decreasing your serving size and drinking more water consistently throughout your day should alleviate your symptoms.

NatureWise® Garcinia Cambogia Extract

Extracted from the South Asian fruit, Garcinia Cambogia (standardized to 60% HCA) is a clinically proven, all-natural, non-stimulating, safe and effective extract shown to curb appetite (satiety), reduce caloric intake, increase lean muscle mass while simultaneously burning fat, lower body weight three times faster than diet and exercise alone, and maintain healthy serotonin and cholesterol levels—all without any negative side effects*.

Scientific Results

In 2004 and 2005, the U.S. National Library of Medicine published two randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled studies that evaluated the impact and safety of Garcinia Cambogia extract (60% HCA). Over 8 weeks, participants lost an average of 5.4% of their body weight and body mass index (BMI) using the same recommended "Weight Control Serving" of NatureWise Garcinia Cambogia Extract. What's more, food intake, triglycerides, and serum leptin levels were all significantly reduced; serotonin levels and fat oxidation (fat burning) significantly increased; and a healthy cholesterol balance was maintained—all without any negative side effects*.

How Does It Work?

If carbohydrates are not immediately used for energy, they are converted to fat and stored in the body. NatureWise Garcinia Cambogia blocks the enzymes in your body from converting carbohydrates into fat*. It also helps to convert fat into glycogen, a highly usable form of energy for your muscles to burn, and increases serotonin levels, positively impacting peoples' mood, sleep, and experience of feeling full between meals—an important benefit for anyone who struggles with binge-eating*.

Quality Guaranteed: GMP Certified Products

NatureWise's commitment to the highest standards of product quality and efficacy are evident throughout our entire product development process. We source our ingredients from specific regions known for their quality and purity, carefully selecting all natural sources whenever possible. As a continued measure of quality, all ingredient suppliers are required to provide a Certificate of Analysis for each raw material they supply, and each ingredient is verified for purity through in-house or independent laboratory testing. To reduce any chance of physical, chemical, or microbiological contaminants, NatureWise has implemented a strict set of FDA compliant manufacturing procedures to ensure product integrity, including regular inspections of all storage, blending, and production areas. All of our facilities meet strict GMP manufacturing standards.

Why NatureWise® Garcinia Cambogia Extract Is the Very Best

By using the same purity, potency, and servings size of Garcinia Cambogia Extract that was used in the clinical trials, you can be certain you are receiving the highest quality Garcinia Cambogia Extract available on the market today.* Moreover, you will receive twice the number of milligrams and value per bottle than most leading brands offer, and enjoy the same unparalleled NatureWise Customer Service you have come to expect—giving you the support you need to slim down and lose weight—for good.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Spyware Cease

Spyware Cease

As seen in the flowchart above, the Online Scan function of Spyware Cease can form a large User Group Security.
  • Providing the main computing by severs and reducing the user-end burden, actually return the system resources to computers.
  • The most powerful Online Scan engine combined with the signature scan engine, achieves a threats detection rate of 95%.
  • The fast spyware early warning mechanism not only enables the infected user to remove the spyware by running the Online Scan, but also helps other users prevent and fix this spyware through Spyware Cease Security Center. This is because Spyware Cease Security Center immediately distributes the spyware information to all the servers, and then notifies users through each server. All users will get solutions on how to prevent and remove this spyware within a few minutes.
This is a new generation of security mechanism. The more users involved, the more security they will have, and the large User Group Security will be formed gradually. In this way, even the latest spyware threats can be prevented and removed by all users within minutes.

Information about Spyware Cease Security Center

Spyware CeaseThe predecessor of Spyware Cease Security Center is a Computer Security Research Club constituted by a group of computer lovers from different fields, including various IT Companies, schools, research institutions, as well as some social workers. Three years later, Spyware Cease Security Center was formally established in September 2008,dedicating to the research of Internet Security and setting up three professional R & D teams to carry out the major work.

Before the establishment of Spyware Cease Security Center, the security system based on the network has already begun being studied. After years of hard work by the research staff, the network-based security systemset up by applying more than 100 advanced servers was accomplished in May 2009. The security system is composed of different sessions, such as:
  • The virtual environment of Spyware Cease Security Center
  • Test department for manual review
  • Network spider
  • Information release center for early warning against spyware
Spyware Cease will continue to improve the existing technology and build up a perfect security systemgradually for all users.

The following are some of the questions asked most frequently by users:

Q: Will the Online Scan upload private information? Where will the data be uploaded to?
A: No, the Online Scan won't collect any private information. Only the files with suspicious behaviors will be uploaded to Spyware Cease Security Center. Spyware Cease Security Center is an organization studying the Internet Security, and it neither needs nor receives any private information.
Q: Will the latest spyware threats be prevented as long as the Online Scan is used? Can they be prevented without running the Online Scan?
A: Yes, if you suspect that your computer is infected by the latest spyware threats but they are not detected, pleaserun the Online Scan which can detect most of the latest threats. Spyware Cease Security Center will regularlydistribute the early warning information about spyware to users, to enable users to prevent the latest spyware threats. Therefore, whether the latest spyware threats can be prevented or not has nothing to do with the use of the Online Scan. The Online Scan can only help users detect the potential latest spyware threats from computers.
Q: Why the Online Scan is slower than the local scan?
A: Many factors may affect the speed, such as a slow network a user has, too many users running the Online Scan at the same time, encountering the latest stubborn spyware, the servers requiring more time for analysis, etc. The Online Scan may be slower slightly than the local scan, but it is able to detect most of the latest spyware threats, so it is worth the time.
Q: What is the relation between the Online Scan and the User Group Security?
A: As can be seen in the Online Scan Flowchart, if a new kind of spyware is found, all users will receive from Spyware Cease Security Center within a few minutes the information and solutions on preventing and removing this spyware.
More questions on other aspects, please contact us via email support

Latest Updates - January 18, 2014 (Total Signature in Database : 2511181)

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For Download

No Adware and Spyware

No Adware and Spyware

What is Spyware and Adware?Spyware and Adware is software made by publishers that allow them to snoop on your browsing activity, invade your privacy, and flood you with those horrible popups. If you are like most users on the internet, chances are you are probably infected with these applications. That is why we have designed our revolutionary product.
Why does Spyware and Adware affect every internet user?
  • All information you enter via the web can be intercepted
  • Unauthorized sites can add themselves to your desktop (icons)
  • Unauthorized sites can add themselves to your internet favorites
  • Your browsing activity can be tracked and monitored
  • Unwanted toolbars and searchbars can attach themselves to your browser without your knowledge or approval
  • Your personal information can be sold to other parties without your knowledge or consent
  • Your default homepage and settings can be hijacked so you can't
    change them
  • These malicious components not only invade your PC so they can not be removed, but take up your hard drive space and slow down your PC!

Surveys Paid

As of January 19th, there
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Do you live in Indonesia?
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Every year large and small companies spend billions of dollars on surveys and market research to help learn what products people like you want to buy! They NEED your opinion to help improve their products which will help them make more money and are willing to pay you for your help!
The best part is that ANYONE can take paid surveys. It doesn't matter if you're young or old, man or woman, or what language you speak! You WILL get paid for your opinion!
Paid SurveyYou may have heard of "paid surveys" before but you should be careful to work with only reputable companies. There are a lot of companies out there that promise you the world but can't deliver enough paid surveys for you to make a good income.

That is why SurveysPaid.com is so special, we have direct relationships with hundreds of the top research companies all over the world and they've asked us to help find people in Indonesia to start taking paid surveys right away.

How many surveys will you take per day?
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Your Monthly Income:  $2166*
How many days per week will you work?
Your Yearly Income:     $26000*
*This calculator is only to be used as an example of figures that can be potentially earned and are not guaranteed or typical.
Surprised by how much you can make taking surveys? DON'T BE! Companies make trillions per year in profits and are happy to spend a few billion doing research to find out what type of products will make them more money in the future. Another big benefit of taking surveys is you are able to keep products after you test them and take your survey (like computers, electronics, household items, and more)!
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surveys paid

These are REAL checks that a new member sent us a photo of. He was so happy to start receiving checks within a week of joining that he emailed us a photo thanking us.
His first check was for $75 but he's told us that he's continued to receive checks every week and has made thousands in his first year! We can't guarantee you'll make that much, but if you're not making money with this program, then the only excuse you can have is that you're turning down too many survey jobs.

Are you ready for a lifestyle change? Sick of the daily grind of life? Taking paid surveys could be the perfect solution to allow you to work from home while also having fun while you are working! Just fill out the form below and you can get started today!


Special Alert: Now Open To All Malang Residents!

Hi, my name is Ross Williams. Let me share a personal story with you. Back in 2007, I held an excellent position at a large IT company with a nice monthly salary. By 2008, the great recession hit. The company ran into financial problems and was forced to lay off over 50% of its staff. Unfortunately for me, I was included. 

So there I was stranded, unemployed, with all the bills to pay and a family to support. Where I lived, such jobs weren't easy to come by.  So I decided to do a little research. I spent many sleepless nights on the web just searching for something to do, anything that could help support me and my family. I just wanted a way to make money, and not lose it, as I soon found to be the case with numerous internet scams.

Just like you, I often stumbled upon all types of web sites offering me some money matrix scheme, promising me all the money in the world. Yeah, right! From stuffing envelopes, Multi Level Marketing, High Yield Investment Programs, to selling all types of useless products. You name it, I've been there, done that. Finally, I came across something that worked...

legit online jobs

Online advertising has skyrocketed over the past few years. In 2013, companies spent close to $50 billion advertising online. That figure is expected to increase substantially in 2014. What does this mean for you? A lot more money could be going into your bank account this year. That's IF you take advantage of this secret system.
Companies worldwide are desperately searching for people just like you to type up their ads and post them online, and they'll pay you nicely in return. It's a win-win situation. They get more customers, you get paid. It's as simple as that. These companies have cash, LOTS of it and they're eager to share it with you. All types of individuals around the world are using this system to make more money than they ever could working in a boring, dead-end job. You can work part-time or full-time, it's all up to you.
All you need to get started is a computer with internet access. You'll be posting short text ads for companies and submitting them into various online forms. No prior skills or work experience required, just basic computer skills. You don't need any degree in marketing to do this.

Heck, you didn't even have to finish high school! We're going to show you EXACTLY how to do everything with our Step-by-Step Video guides and Image tutorials. That way, you can work  at your own pace.

You submit the ads on your own schedule, day or night, and you do as many as you want with absolutely no restrictions. There will always be work for you to do no matter where you live.

This is a successful money-making program with unlimited potential. We'll show you all the steps you need to make money posting ads for companies online. It runs virtually on autopilot. Once your ads are submitted, they can be making money for you over and over. In other words, you don't have to be sitting in front of your computer all day just to make money. You can go play golf with your friends or go shopping at the mall with your family. It’s totally up to you. That's the beauty of this system.

These companies require no experience, members worldwide are accepted and you may begin immediately. You will be provided with everything you  need to get started; including some sample info that you can just copy and paste into the forms, along  with our Complete Step-by-Step System. 
We've already got thousands of members around the world using our system, posting ads for companies and generating a great income doing it. Please keep in mind, this opportunity is for serious individuals who are willing to put in the effort. If you are a committed individual and think you can put in a couple hours per week submitting these ads, we want you on board! 
Here's a screenshot from one of our test accounts we setup to prove this system works. This Account Makes Over $200/DAY! Now everyone won't start out making this kind of cash. This is a legitimate way to make a good income using your computer and the internet. Don't expect to make $1000 per day. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. However, if you follow our system correctly, you can earn a good income every month.

You can be paid weekly in all kinds of ways including check by mail, direct deposit, wire transfer and even directly to your Paypal account. These companies are reliable. You get paid on time, every single time. No worries about late paychecks. You can also login at any time during the day or night to check your stats and keep track of how much you have made in real-time.


There is a large demand for new affiliates, so the time to get in is NOW! We already have thousands of members around the world using our system, posting ads for companies and generating a great income doing it. Please keep in mind, this opportunity is for serious individuals who are willing to put in the effort. If you are a committed individual and think you can put in an hour or two per day submitting these ads, we want you on board!

Click Here! For Register

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Apple Forgot Your Manual?!

Apple Forgot Your Manual?!

What was the first thing you looked for when you opened your iPad box? Were you like me… surprised and disappointed that there was no instruction manual in there? I thought it was a mistake and the Apple factory forgot to pack my slick glossy full-color instruction book.
Apple’s whole model is “ease of use”. The statement they tried to make was that you don’t even need a manual. And, maybe that’s true if you’re just going to use your iPad as an overpriced email checker. But, it’s not just a giant iPhone. You want to get more out of your iPad. You want to unlock it’s full potential.
But unfortunately, if no one actually shows you some of the iPad’s less-obvious tricks and tips, you’ll probably never discover them on your own. And, that is your iPad’s one BIG flaw.

Let A Super-Geek Show You the Way

Don’t you secretly wish you had some super-geek friend who bought his iPad the day it came out? He could come over your house and show you how to do all the coolest stuff. Well, I’m that geek friend! I’ve recorded video lessons for you that cover every single feature and benefit of your iPad.
How many times have you said to yourself, I haven’t used that feature yet. But, I’m going to learn someday soon. Well, today is that day.
iPad Geek

In Just 11 Minutes a Day

You can watch your iPad Video Lessons at your own convenience. If you just watch 11 minutes a day during your ritual cup of coffee, you’ll quickly and easily gain an understanding of your iPad.
Plus, I’ll show you untapped features that you would never even think to google-search.
Admit to yourself that you’ve already struggled a bit figuring out some stuff on your iPad. I know I did at first too. I spent month and months reading, experimenting, searching online, and talking to other iPad owners. Sometimes, I had to throw my hands up in frustration. Now, I can save you all that time by quickly and visually showing you how to do EVERYTHING you want to do with your iPad. 

“Well I have to admit, I didn’t buy your iPad lessons thinking that I’d learn much, but boy was I wrong. I bought your course on a whim, and I was very half hearted when I started watching the videos. Imagine how surprised I was after I went back to my iPad and realized how many useful things I had picked up. Thanks!”
- Jason Kiln

Convenient Video Lessons Fit Your Time Schedule

And, the best part is you can replay and rewind everything I show you as often as you need. Watch the videos on your desktop computer, and follow along on your iPad. Or, simply watch them on your iPad and absorb the easy-to-follow, step-by-step, tap-by-tap video instructions. At the end of your complete iPad video course, you’ll be more productive, and have more fun with your iPad. You’ll find these lessons are a tremendous return on investment that save you hours and hours of frustrating guesswork.iPad Video
“Everything about these iPad Video Lessons is ingenious. The ideas behind it, the execution of it, it is all picture perfect and I wouldn’t alter a hair on its beautiful head. Most importantly: it pulled through for me in a big way, and I am truly grateful that I am now able to look back and say that the wonderful training in iPad Video Lessons is what got me up to speed with my iPad.”
- Tom Philips
Learn at Your Own Pace – Stop, rewind, replay – Didn’t catch something? Review it over and over till you get it. Watch once without your iPad, then rewind and follow along using your iPad.
Learn New Innovative and Productive Techniques – Discover new ways to be productive throughout your day with these iPad tips and tricks.
Lifetime Membership – Lifetime membership keeps you up to date with future changes and new video lessons.
Available 24/7 – Middle of the night. You need a quick answer on how to get a task done on your iPad. Jump online and watch the video on that feature. Problem solved.
Grow Your iPad Skills – Invest in yourself, let me help you start learning today.
Clear, and Comprehensive Training – I’ll clearly guide you app-by-app & tap-by-tap through every last feature of your iPad. I have a passion to teach and share my iPad knowledge and experience with you in a straightforward, candid way.
Have Some Fun – I’m here to help you better understand and maximize your iPad. But, we’ll have a few laughs along the way as well.
Over 100 Videos Watch over 100 videos online to master everything you want to do on your iPad.
“Fun and easy is the very definition of this iPad course. If you’d asked me a week ago whether or not I thought it was possible to get as far ahead as I am now, I would’ve said no. Now, I am looking at continuing to move on in leaps and bounds, all thanks to this site. Pretty cool.”
- Vlad Lebodowski
“At the time that I am writing this it has only been a day since I bought your iPad Video Lessons, and I am still wrapping my head around everything I’ve learned. I think that this course has really achieved results way faster than I could ever have figured out on my own. Looking forward to the watching the rest of the videos.”
- Brenda Davis

So, Are You Ready to Get the Most Out of Your iPad?

By the end of the full iPad Video Lessons course, you’ll be using your iPad like it’s your second brain. It will all become second nature. Every day, you’ll find yourself using your iPad to accomplish what you need to get done. And when your work day is over, you can sit back and have a lot of fun with your iPad too.
Don’t let another day go by without picking up your iPad and learning how to really, really use it to it’s maximum benefit.

Sample Video

Here’s 1 video (Out of over 100) you can watch as a sample. This on is about Protecting Your iPad Data with a Passcode…
Apple Forgot Your Manual?!

OK iPad Pete,
How Much is All This Training Going to Cost Me?

The iPad is so bleeding edge… putting a price tag on this course wasn’t easy.
The average tutition for just a basic newbie personal computer 101 course at your local college is $1685. And, the iPad is so advanced, there aren’t even any other courses available for it yet! So you couldn’t enroll for $1685 even if you wanted to.
I know you already invested a lot of your hard-earned money on buying your iPad. And, today’s economic times are tough. So, I’m not going to charge you anywhere near $1685. This course will be less than one-tenth of the cost of the most basic college computer course at
$147. (UPDATE: See Limited Time Offer Below…)

New Limited Time Offer!

I meant it when I said this is the best opportunity for you to get the absolute most out of your iPad… so I’m going to make this a complete “no brainer” for anyone to get involved and take action right away.
So, for a limited time you can get your hands on the entire iPad course for a one-time payment of just $97! After purchasing, you’ll have immediate access.
And, for a onetime payment, you’ll get lifetime access, so any future updates or changes will be yours for FREE.
But, if you put this off, the price may increase as soon as tomorrow. So, at least try it out for 60 days, by ordering now.

Give Me a Definite Maybe!

I’m not even asking you to give me a “yes”. Just give me a “maybe”.
Try out your iPad Video Lessons for a full 60 days. If you’re unsatisfied for any reason, I’ll give you a FULL REFUND! No questions asked.
Part of why this offer is so amazing is that you lose nothing to try it out!